New Release: The Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms
The Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms: A Doxological Understanding
In The Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms: A Doxological Understanding, Dr. Gangadean provides a critical exposition of the most significant doctrines needed to respond to the challenges of Modernity (1650–1950) and Postmodernity (1950–present). Since the Westminster Assembly (1643–1648), these challenges include: faith vs. reason, otherworldliness vs. this worldliness, the problem of evil, religion in public life, and exclusivism. The doxological understanding of the Catechisms incorporates the following in providing an awaited response: the doctrine of the clarity of general revelation and the inexcusability of unbelief, the use of reason (the light of nature and good and necessary consequences) to understand general and special revelation, the doxological focus on the knowledge of the glory of God, divine sovereignty in creation-fall-redemption, and the law of God for all of life. In understanding the Westminster Standards at the doxological level, the Church can overcome the challenges to the faith in our time and lay a deeper foundation to guard against future challenges.